Paper Rosettes

I did this great craft recently. I made paper rosettes. They make awesome decorations. Take a look at the one I made to put on my front door. You can make them out of regular paper or card stock, although they work better with card stock. Check out the link above to see instructions on how to make them. You may have some trouble with step seven. I did. Its hard to hold down the edges of paper and put hot glue in the center. You might want to press the paper near the center inwards towards the center so as to press the hot glue together as it dries. Hold it still and wait for the glue to dry COMPLETELY. Then it should hold its place. You can also decorate these with ribbons, glitter, buttons, and anything else your creative mind can come up with. WARNING: Be careful doing this craft with little kids because they might get burned by the hot glue.img_2933

Raspberry Layer Cake


Last summer I saw a layer cake in a store. That inspired me to want to make a layer cake. Then my grandma helped me come up with this recipe.

-Cake mix
-Layer pans
-8oz of raspberries(about)
-Other raspberries for decorating top
-Vanilla to taste
-Powdered sugar to taste
-Whipping cream
-1/3 stick of butter
-1 cup powdered sugar(separate from other powdered sugar)
-Warm milk(enough to moisten)
-Ingredients on cake mix box(eggs, milk etc.)

1.)Mix cake mix. Pour into three layer pans and follow directions on box for baking. I did 350 degrees for 19 minutes. Take cakes out of pans and let cool completely.

2.)Mash the 8oz of raspberries. Spread about 1/2 of the berries on first layer of cake.

3.)Whip vanilla, powdered sugar(to taste), and whipping cream in a bowl until it makes peaks or becomes stiff(not liquid). Spread about 1/3 of the whipped cream on top of the raspberry paste(first layer).

4.)Put second layer on top of whipped cream. Spread the other half of the berries on top of that layer and then more whipped cream. Put on last cake layer.

5.)Soften 1/3 stick of butter. Slowly add 1 cup of powdered sugar and stir in with butter and moisten with warm milk. This should create a kind of frosting. Then spread the frosting along the sides of the cake.

6.)Spread the rest of the whipped cream on top of the last cake layer and put a big dollop in the center.

7.)Top with whole raspberries. Put one raspberry on top of the dollop of whipped cream in the center and spread the rest around the top of the cake.(see picture above)

This is one of my favorite cakes and I hope you enjoy it too!


Marbled Paper with Nail Polish

I recently did a craft where I marbled cardĀ stockĀ using nail polish. Ā I got the idea fromĀ Pink Stripey Socks. Ā Here are a few tips I found helpful.

-Be sure to do this project outside or in a well ventilated room. My house smelled for three days after doing this project since I did it in the basement. Learn from me and don’t make the same mistake I did.
-You don’t have to use new nail polish but make sure the nail polish is runny and not sticky.
– I found the advice in the link to wear disposable gloves very helpful and I’m sure you will too.
-The link said that sparkly nail polish didn’t work but mine worked fine. However, this may not be the case for all brands of sparkly nail polish.
-You should probably use card stock instead of paper because paper will get soggy.
