Raspberry Layer Cake


Last summer I saw a layer cake in a store. That inspired me to want to make a layer cake. Then my grandma helped me come up with this recipe.

-Cake mix
-Layer pans
-8oz of raspberries(about)
-Other raspberries for decorating top
-Vanilla to taste
-Powdered sugar to taste
-Whipping cream
-1/3 stick of butter
-1 cup powdered sugar(separate from other powdered sugar)
-Warm milk(enough to moisten)
-Ingredients on cake mix box(eggs, milk etc.)

1.)Mix cake mix. Pour into three layer pans and follow directions on box for baking. I did 350 degrees for 19 minutes. Take cakes out of pans and let cool completely.

2.)Mash the 8oz of raspberries. Spread about 1/2 of the berries on first layer of cake.

3.)Whip vanilla, powdered sugar(to taste), and whipping cream in a bowl until it makes peaks or becomes stiff(not liquid). Spread about 1/3 of the whipped cream on top of the raspberry paste(first layer).

4.)Put second layer on top of whipped cream. Spread the other half of the berries on top of that layer and then more whipped cream. Put on last cake layer.

5.)Soften 1/3 stick of butter. Slowly add 1 cup of powdered sugar and stir in with butter and moisten with warm milk. This should create a kind of frosting. Then spread the frosting along the sides of the cake.

6.)Spread the rest of the whipped cream on top of the last cake layer and put a big dollop in the center.

7.)Top with whole raspberries. Put one raspberry on top of the dollop of whipped cream in the center and spread the rest around the top of the cake.(see picture above)

This is one of my favorite cakes and I hope you enjoy it too!


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