DIY Recycled Paper


  • Mortar and pestle
  • Water
  • A frame
  • Tacks
  • Window screen
  • Plastic sheet
  • Used paper
  • Plastic container

1.) Use the mortar and pestle to crush a little bit of paper at a time, mixing it with warm water. Continue doing this with all of the used paper until you have a thick paste.
2.) Pour the mixture into the container along with more water and let it sit for two to three days.
3.) Cut the screen a little bit larger than the frame and tack it to the frame.
4.) After two to three days, dip the special frame into the paste (the screen should be facing downwards).
5.) Remove the frame keeping it steadily horizontal.
6.) Apply the plastic sheet and squeeze the water out. You can use a sponge to help squeeze the water out.
7.) Flip the frame over, keeping the plastic sheet in contact.
8.) Carefully remove the frame.
9.) Repeat this process for each sheet of paper.
10.) Leave the mush on the plastic sheets in a dry area. When the paper is fully dry, then you can gently pull it off the plastic and write on it.

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